100% silk square scarf pink / green "Desire" rose, dragon fly, golden chain
Pure silk scarf for women square 36" x 36" ( 90x90 cm ). 100% silk with lustrous shine, beautiful drape, and sumptuous feel. Hand-rolled edges / hem. Dry clean or hand wash cold.
Luscious roses, delicate pink cherry blossoms, gold jewelry, green dragonflies... Desire is magic. Everything we do in life is born out of a desire - from the simplest everyday actions to stunning feats of ambition and courage. Desire sparks our quest for beauty, our longing to be loved, our need to belong, and our appreciation of luxury and prestige. And yet love reaches beyond desire, to the realms where desire fades. That is why words "Love" and "Loyalty" are printed on gold ribbons in opposite corners of the Desire Is Magic silk scarf…
The Desire Is Magic design features another counterpoint to the dominance of desire: A Latin quote from the didactic poem “De Rerum Natura” by Roman Epicurean philosopher Lucretius:
"...sed nihil dulcius est, bene quam munita tenere
edita doctrina sapientum templa serena,
despicere unde queas alios passimque videre
errare atque viam palantis quaerere vitae,
certare ingenio, contendere nobilitate,
noctes atque dies niti praestante labore
ad summas emergere opes rerumque potiri.
o miseras hominum mentes, o pectora caeca!"
"...nothing is more blissful than to occupy
the heights effectively fortified by the teaching of the wise, tranquil sanctuaries
from where you can look down upon others and see them
wandering everywhere in their random search for the way of life,
competing for intellectual eminence, disputing about rank,
and striving night and day with prodigious effort
to scale the summit of wealth and to secure power.
O minds of mortals, blighted by your blindness!"
Unlike the colloquial term “epicureanism,” (often confused with hedonism) implying sensory pleasure and a sole focus upon the material world, the teaching of Greek philosopher Epicurus (first presented in Rome by Lucretius) described pleasure as serenity and freedom from fear, and advocated simple life as the only path toward happiness… a touch of wisdom to reflect upon as the luxurious caress of this philosophical silk scarf descends upon your shoulders.
“Wait, what about those dragonflies?” you ask... Since antiquity, in many cultures the dragonfly came to symbolize change, especially change in one’s perspective of self-realization. The image of a dragonfly gliding above the water gave rise to myths of the eternal quest for a deeper meaning to life, for secrets below the surface of the visible world… There is a reason for everything...
100% silk square scarf pink / green "Desire" rose, dragon fly, golden chain
100% silk square scarf pink / green "Desire" rose, dragon fly, golden chain
Pure silk scarf for women square 36" x 36" ( 90x90 cm ). 100% silk with lustrous shine, beautiful drape, and sumptuous feel. Hand-rolled edges / hem. Dry clean or hand wash cold.
Luscious roses, delicate pink cherry blossoms, gold jewelry, green dragonflies... Desire is magic. Everything we do in life is born out of a desire - from the simplest everyday actions to stunning feats of ambition and courage. Desire sparks our quest for beauty, our longing to be loved, our need to belong, and our appreciation of luxury and prestige. And yet love reaches beyond desire, to the realms where desire fades. That is why words "Love" and "Loyalty" are printed on gold ribbons in opposite corners of the Desire Is Magic silk scarf…
The Desire Is Magic design features another counterpoint to the dominance of desire: A Latin quote from the didactic poem “De Rerum Natura” by Roman Epicurean philosopher Lucretius:
"...sed nihil dulcius est, bene quam munita tenere
edita doctrina sapientum templa serena,
despicere unde queas alios passimque videre
errare atque viam palantis quaerere vitae,
certare ingenio, contendere nobilitate,
noctes atque dies niti praestante labore
ad summas emergere opes rerumque potiri.
o miseras hominum mentes, o pectora caeca!"
"...nothing is more blissful than to occupy
the heights effectively fortified by the teaching of the wise, tranquil sanctuaries
from where you can look down upon others and see them
wandering everywhere in their random search for the way of life,
competing for intellectual eminence, disputing about rank,
and striving night and day with prodigious effort
to scale the summit of wealth and to secure power.
O minds of mortals, blighted by your blindness!"
Unlike the colloquial term “epicureanism,” (often confused with hedonism) implying sensory pleasure and a sole focus upon the material world, the teaching of Greek philosopher Epicurus (first presented in Rome by Lucretius) described pleasure as serenity and freedom from fear, and advocated simple life as the only path toward happiness… a touch of wisdom to reflect upon as the luxurious caress of this philosophical silk scarf descends upon your shoulders.
“Wait, what about those dragonflies?” you ask... Since antiquity, in many cultures the dragonfly came to symbolize change, especially change in one’s perspective of self-realization. The image of a dragonfly gliding above the water gave rise to myths of the eternal quest for a deeper meaning to life, for secrets below the surface of the visible world… There is a reason for everything...