Dreams come true. It’s never too late to learn and enjoy dance.
World Dance New York is about women’s self expression and communication through dance. Rooted in community rituals, dance is for everyone - for any age, body shape and skill level. We promote women’s solo dance forms to reclaim the enjoyment of dance as part of your everyday lifestyle.
We were among the first to recognize that women’s solo dance brings stress relief, emotional healing and confidence building. It is an amazing outlet for creativity, an escape from the exhausting pace of everyday life, and a language that allows you to share your emotions, ideas and stories in a community of resourceful and optimistic women. Truly feminine dance is not about swirling around in a pretty dress or flirtation between the sexes. It’s about the authenticity of being yourself, and your relationship with your body, your spirit, and the universe.
From the birth of World Dance New York, we have pursued the goal of making women’s solo dance - from beginner to professional level - truly accessible to everyone through improving instructional methods, producing innovative streaming video and DVD products for all skill levels, and expanding the range of dance forms and styles taught and practiced in a solo format and from a fitness angle.
On your behalf, we have approached trend-setting female dance instructors to teach the most in-demand dance genres and styles. We develop and implement enjoyable and effective program formats, celebrating femininity, creativity and friendship every step of our journey.
Our dance instruction and dance fitness video programs give you skills to share your ideas and experiences through dance, and to take control over your physical shape & fitness trajectory through artistic and feminine movement that makes you feel beautiful and renewed.
The reason World Dance New York exists is you. Our natural desire to share, and our human need to belong compel us, women, to keep the flame alive in our universal community where national, ethnic, political, and racial divides fade as we speak the language of dance we all understand and respect - no matter where we came from or where we are going.